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חיי היומיום מלאים סיכונים, חלקם "טבעיים" ורגילים שלא ניתן למנוע אותם ושאין גורם שיישא באחריות ובתשלום פיצויים בגינם, וחלקם בלתי סבירים ואף רשלניים...

תביעות נזקי גוף

Everyday life is full of risks, some "natural" and ordinary, and cannot be prevented, and there is no one liable for compensation for them, and some are unreasonable and even negligent.

Some risks are covered and governed by specific legislation that establishes absolute liability and does not require proof of guilt ("car accidents") while others require proof of negligence and liability and may establish a range of remedies, tort-contractual-insurance, and others.

These risks can be realized anywhere (in the workplace, on the way to or from work, while visiting a store, mall, or restaurant, walking down the street, downstairs, driving a car, biking, and more).

they may be realized in many ways (slipping, bumping into something, falling from a height, Falling objects injuries, car accidents, assault, sexual harassment, medical malpractice, professional malpractice negligence, etc.)

They may establish a cause of action and right to monetary compensation against various damagers and  based on various causes (employer, school, local authority, company, insurance companies, government offices, Individuals and more.)

Have you suffered bodily damages? Contact us today to find out whether you are eligible for financial compensation.

Contact Information

שליחת פניה


ירון יידוב, משרד עורך דין

רחוב זיסמן עמנואל 31/20,

ירושלים, מיקוד 9313586


טל' : 02-3301900

  נייד : 0544-810614

 פקס': 077-6021447



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