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כאשר רופא או מטפל סוטה מנורמות ופרקטיקות רפואיות מקובלות ומוכרות, או לא פועל לפיהן, וכתוצאה מכך נגרם לנו נזק, עשוי הדבר לחרוג מגדר "טעות" או בחירה שגוייה ממתחם של אפשרויות רפואיות סבירות...

תביעות רשלנות רפואית

Unfortunately,  many damages are caused by the same people that are sworn to treat us and  are trusted by us to cure our pain and injuries - doctors and therapists of all kinds,  and mostly during a procedure or medical treatment that is initially designed to improve our health & medical condition, and certainly not to aggravate it. When a physician or therapist deviates from, or does not act in accordance with, norms and accepted medical practices that result in us being harmed, this may exceed a "mistake" or incorrect choice of reasonable medical options (which are not necessarily accompanied by responsibility).

Such a case may well constitute a medical "malpractice" for which we may have various causes of action (negligence in itself, lack of informed consent, infringement of autonomy, poor or missing registration, and more).

Medical malpractice cases are, and rightly, considered to be more complex than a standard tort cases, as they raise many medical questions and their reliance on expert physician opinions is at the heart of the claim and process management.

However, not every case titled "Medical Malpractice" must be a large and complex case dealing with complex medical issues, as not every case is limited in the first place, and necessarily, only for certain, unique and specific medical procedures and fields (gynecology, obstetrics, surgery, etc.).

For example, dentistry as well as plastics, orthopedics and ophthalmology, where we are witnessing a growing amount of medical malpractice claims, also in relatively "simple" matters.

 If you suffered bodily harm as a result of any procedure or medical treatment in any area - contact us as soon as possible for consultation on the feasibility of the claim and your eligibility for financial compensation!

שליחת פניה


רחוב זיסמן עמנואל 31/20,

ירושלים, מיקוד 9313586


טל' : 02-3301900

  נייד : 0544-810614

 פקס': 077-6021447



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